looks like i will have more shopping kakis for this holidays.
you owe me a shopping trip. together go find a job k? hahaha. ♥♥
and its time to look for a part time too. anyone got lobang to give me, this cute girl a job? LOL. if have please drop a note for me to look out at my tag board. =) many thanks.
i will keep a look out too. haha. cannot everything also want baby to pay.
not good lah. haha. im a very down-to-earth girl okie. =)
school project half done. still got another one to go.
wait for my dear ili to come back from her vietnam trip first.
need to go back school during the 2nd week of holidays also.
to be the model for the World Skill Girls,their competition. haha.
school has been great & fun these days. not only malay friends.
i manage to click together with their topics again.
michelle. remb hor. you bored can ask me out. =)
im free, i will get out of home to keep you company. touched right? =P
Janice, im waiting for your confirmation date to go out too. =)
and baby/MrSweetBF.. im awaiting for your next bookout too. haha.
with you around seems to be sweeter each day.
i make sure, this relationship will be a unforgettable & memorable one for you.
this will be a very different one from your past loves.
make it "Our Unique & Sweet Journey". k? i love you baby. ♥♥
im off to company that Sweet Boy of mine soon. =)
if no cramps comes in my way tomorrow, it will be shopping day for me & baby.
double double yeahs !!!
by the way.. i want this new iPod Nano. its the same kind like my current one.
but, with a more digitalized longer screen. works somewhat like SE W910i function.
shake to change song & can tilt when watching video. =) nice.
baby is buying for me. i nearly get it today for a surprise present.
but, no stock. and i asked whom he called. extra lah me. haha.
but he is still buying for me. many thanks to sweet baby.
still thinking which color i should get. Pink, like my current one?
or red, a more fresher new color?
so which one?
im off to eat my moo moo ice cream. =) byebye.
im off to eat my moo moo ice cream. =) byebye.
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