the movie is nice. but with really super gross scenes.
i got my face covered behind baby's shoulder several times. haha.
in the end, we never go shopping. haha. make it tomorrow perhaps.
both were too lazy i suppose. tomorrow need to get up real early.
to company that pig of mine to take mc den off to shopping. =)
hopfully he gets the mc. he's happily dota-ing now.
and he just complained that, "40mins ago, i ask you to cook noodles for me."
complain king. ass him. whenever he is dota-ing, he will goes.. "baby here.. baby there.."
LOL. but still im willing to do all this stupid things for him.
sweet gf is like that one. JUST JOKING LAH. LOL.
im gone. but before that, i found this "pervertic joke" from someone's blog.
here's to share with all of you. its super hilarious!! laughhhh..
Q: What is the closest thing similar to a woman's period?
A: Your salary, it comes once a month lasts about 5-7 days and if it doesn't come means you are in big trouble.
Q: What three things are common between the sun and woman's underwear?
A: Both are hot, both look better while going down and both disappear at night.
Q: Why do men ask for a woman's hand in marriage?
A: Because they are tired of using their own.
Q: What's common between men and video?
A: Both go backward... forward... backward... forward... backward.... forward... stop and eject.
Q: What goes in dry, comes out wet, and gives warm satisfaction?
A: A teabag.
Q: What is the similarity between men and rats?
A: Both keep searching for new HOLES.
Doctor: You look so weak & exhausted. Are you having 3 meals a day as I have advised?
Lady: Doctor, I thought you had said 3 males a day.
Q: Girl friend & boy friend go for a movie. In the dark, a mosquito enters the girl's skirt. Guess where it would have bitten?
A: The boy's hand.
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