29 December 2008

im getting really excited now.
at the same time feeling abit of afraid.
i bet my dear eli is feeling the same as me too.
counting down 7 more days..
and we are starting our attachment at EssenceVale on the 5th.
breathe in.. and out..
still very nervous. OMG!!
every now and then, i keep having the urge to look at calendars.
its such a bad habit. *slap myself*
im off to shower & return dvds. bye.

tagboard reply from Jessica to passerby:
because on his bday that day was spent in camp.
and earlier on he celebrated with his family.
why are you so concerned abt it? :D

26 December 2008

A belated Merry Christmas to all.
Christmas eve was one happy occasion for me.
early morning woke up get prepared and off to NaiNai's place.
after that, within minutes.
took off to pick Ling Kuku aka "Mummy".
shifted off to Orchard to buy Choc fondue set.
Bro & sis went to pick up cake, Ling kuku pick up Ham.
back to nainai place. settled down awhile and started cooking.
Cai cooked mashed potato, Jie did up the mushroom soup.
Ling kuku do the salad.
5plus, headed to pick up the sushi daddy ordered with Nainai.
real busy!! reached home soon enough able to start eating.

and the rest let the pictures talk then.

i only have these pictures currently. the rest with others.
christmas was equally fun too.
went out with dear baby & his friends to catch movie, IP Man.

and there the mad boy(baby) goes again.
"im Ye Wen!! call me ye wen"
crazy right? but he's definitely the one whom made me laughed alot.
dinner at HK Xin Wang Cafe. Delicious!
walk around orchard making jokes, talking cock. LOL
slacked awhile, they went for billard sessions.
baby & i went home after that.
showered, watch tv, skin care & mask for both of us.
2am plus 3 , off we went to bed.
ohh, did i mentioned? i deleted friendster.
way too lag & slow. i dont need to know new guys too. right baby?
he deleted his too. LOL
results are out today too.
and i got B's for all grades which is very good.
except for my selling skills & PE. haha.
my GPA points - 2.606
congrats to me. (:

be back fast baby. im waiting for you. tmr morning, rise & shine.
it will be a better day ahead for all of us. (:

22 December 2008

tmr will be my sweet baby birthday.
therefore, birthdays wishes are for later (:
the day before yesterday,
went out with baby for movie,
movie was so so.

due to no longer used to wearing high heels,
baby bought a box of Hansaplast for me.
im so troublesome. LOL
waited for his friends, met up.
and off to drinking.
first time i drank with baby.
feel kinda uncomfortable at first. LOL. zz
his friends all are funny too.
both baby & i got a little tipsy in the end.
cabbed home. both of us feel so crazy at that time.
showered and off to bed.
slept till the next afternoon then wake up. haha

wednesday will be Christmas Eve.
and i'll be off to nai nai house for celebrations. (:
love. christmas food, here i come!! YUM YUM

19 December 2008

okie. i know im lazy to post anything.
but here's one finally.
back to darling home again.
and previous few days, was at home slacking the way thru.
yesterday morning, went gym and then swimming to burn fats.
again with my brothers & jiaren.
then back home, bathe changed blabla.. and off to Bugis.
the four of us was feeling so dead tired and still managed to shop.
i bought a new slipper again.
a good news for me, i can wear slippers to attachment!!!
im so freaking happy. LOL!!
because slipper is the best comfy footwear for me.
aches free, blisters free too. (:
and, i straighten my side hair which gives curl problems.
and i dyed my hair too. hahaha. RED is the color. (:
loving it to bits.

heres is one picture to show how much i've changed.
click for a larger picture.

thats how much i've changed. zz

i dont have much to post about.
but currently im busy playing my PSP game.
got addicted to Final Fantasy Dissidia.

A Battle for the Crystals...

A Battle for the Future...

game characters

the game content

currently there is a japanese version one, which im playing.
me & bro is still waiting for the english version one.
so if anyone happens to comes by this with english version let me know.

im gone ~ love.

12 December 2008

finally i found myself suffocating.
but still, for the main reason i'll look forward.
cus i know this is a minor one.
i guess its cus i hardly say everything out.
maybe that's the main reason that i'm suffocating.
and yes, i've been thinking too much ):
but still, you're the one i need here.

and i come across a song which suits my current feelings.
which i wanna say, yes i do feel that way.

Have You Ever from Brandy

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything to make them understand
Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything up to make them feel the same
Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all your life
You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for that day
when they will care

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'Cuz baby I can't sleep

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever?

07 December 2008


finally baby, half year passed smoothly for us.
not always very smoothly lah.
but still im greatful being with you.
thankyou for tolerating my 'uniquely' temper.
i know its intolerable for you most of the times.
im sorry.
bu im glad you stayed here with me thruout the hardest times.
i know i might be boring for you.
but i do make you laugh to kill boredom.
i know im stupid & clumsy. bear with me love.
i hate your dota, but i love sitting beside you talking nonsense.
i know im silly most of the times.
i do great at sobbing into tears whenever i cant solve our probs.
but you were here for me.
even though most of the times you burst into anger.
i know some stuffs made you lost trust in me.
but you promised to trust me one more time.
and i do promise to cherish those trust.
soon you will be out to sea, throwing me home alone missing you.
go to your ship in peace.
cus i promise you, i'll never betray your love.
i hope after this 6 months, it will still going to go counting on.
never let it stop okie, wobbly stomach? :) ♥♥
lets just go thru thick & thin tog.
got nice or bad things, i'll share it with you.
and so must you.
we promise never to keep anything to ourselves.
lastly, iloveyou baby.

04 December 2008

ohh. before i even forget.
which finally i get to update those late pictures.
thank you baby for the early birthday present & beautiful cake.

next, thanks ayu & co for celebrating eli's & my birthday

everything is much appreciated. the best love & fun.
im looking forward to this saturday swimming.
down with a manly voice now. ewww

exams finally over!!!!
counting down 3 more days to half year anniversary with baby.
5 more days to still stay by his side cuddling.

movie of the day:

bolt is super CUTE !!!!!!

03 December 2008

SLO paper done on monday.
wasnt so tough. but still some mistakes made.
BDM paper was yesterday.
its very easy lah.
teacher only changed slightly little bit of the qns at revision.
but still, due to being very nervous..
i forgot some of it.
to think its acually a giving-you- full-marks paper.
i've done my best.
today DLT paper. (:
luckily i studied yesterday afternoon.
and the paper today was so freaking easy.
tomorrow will be SES paper.
the one that im worrying about.
i dont know whether i can pass anot.
a just pass for this paper will do.
MCQs should not be a problem.
the main problem will be structured qns. ):
to think nothing goes in my head right now. arghh.

im only 50% smart. thats what i told baby.
im a hungry lady now.
still waiting for that pig baby to be back.

Schedule Plan

- friday working in school
-saturday swimming & fun at jurong
-coming half year with baby this sunday, finally :D
-the rest of the days are for baby before he's gone(endurance for both of us)
HOLIDAYS fun time
-sentosa trip anytime soon in DEC with the girls
-24th dec Christmas party with family

i've got a long list to list it out.
sad case is CNY i cant celebrate due to attachment. ):
but, its okie lah.
my brothers help me collect $$. hehe.
im off to meet that pig head.
wish me lucks for studying & tmr last paper.

01 December 2008

will be staying thru-out with dear boyfriend this few weeks.
he will be posting out to ship during this coming 9th dec. UPSET!!
2-3 weeks of not able to book out.
its even more terrible.
but we promise each other,
endure for 2 months and done. (:

exams are here.
1-4 dec of stressing over all my module books.
and then its ...
fun, work, play time.
holidays and attachment soon.
wish all the beauty girls the best.

ohh, btw ..
thanks to ayu & co for the birthday celebration.
its my ever first time being thrown into the sea !!
but still, thanks girls.

26 November 2008

cus i guess, my birthday a normal one.
every year, also the same one.
nothing much or exciting i suppose.
on the exact day of birthday,
its going to go just like that.
but thanks the many for the birthday wishes.
my pretty Eli-housefly is the first to wish me at 12 sharp.
she has always been a great friend.
cus for everything,
she has always been by my side.

23 November 2008

23 nov 08

baby celebrated my birthday earlier as he thought he cant celebrate tog on the actual day.
and so, he asked his mom to cook up some dishes for me.
and the surprise was, he ordered a cake for me.
he told me the surprise later on. but he didnt tell me what kinda surprise is it.
so i waited and waited. and fianlly..
the cake delivered over. but i totally didnt know about it.
in the room watching drama for so long, of cus cant hear anything lah. LOL
just right at that time, baby ask me to watch myself first.
he went out for so long. my drama was so hilarious, so i didnt care much. hehe.
he came in, call out "baby". i turn back say "huh?"
shocked. He hold the birthday cake with candles lighted up in his hands,
and sang a brithday song for me. im so very touched.
i nearly burst into tears lah. :) made my wish, candles blown out.
cake cut. and share it. he bought me a STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE !!!!
a heart shaped one too. very big. cus they only got one size for heart shaped one.
very yummylicious. haha. picture, i'll upload it another day. very lazy now. :)
from today onwards, baby will book out and be back home everyday at 6pm.
because, he is posting out to ship soon lah. after he clear his leave and all,
off he go in dec. :( hope the people in there dont mistreat him so badly.
although i know he sometimes very "qian da" but, he's still my cute one lah.

24 nov 08

anyway, im currently addicted to this drama.

very funny. im waiting for ep 12 to come out.
im off to bed soon. after my nosebleed just now, im feeling my head is heavy lah.

20 November 2008

INTERVIEW at EssenceVale

its nothing much, questions has been asked, forms filled.
the next is to wait patiently for results.
may luck be with me.

smellygirl is off to shower.
tired. more BDM revision tmr.

17 November 2008

cus you are always the love.
lets not talk about the upset stuffs anymore. LOVE YOU! (:

finally took out my time and visited nainai & relatives.
i definitely had a nice dinner & chat there. (:
i want more of that dinner lah. Dan Dan Jie, cook for me please. LOL
family gatherings are always the best. love.

many thanks to baby for looking after me.
i had a slight fever and a very bad cough.
and he looked after me thru out. he is so sweet man!!

im ending with a better taken short hair picture.

with love, :)

13 November 2008



how is it? comment please.
many says its wasted.
i think so too.
but, its a new hairstyle.
im bored of my long hair.
long hair, come again later bah baby. LOL

days ago:

caught this with baby. its so funny. haha.
i like to move it, move it.
i like to MOVE IT!! hee.

10 November 2008

have been busy these days. busy here & there. LOL
im cutting Bob+Bangs hairstyle tmr.
a new me. baby is agreeing to it. he wanna see a new me on friday. =)

like this.. possible for my face?
but im cutting tmr already. by wednesday i will have a new hairstyle.

when you are always right here by my side, love. ♥♥
i miss my pretty baby boy.

BDM practical tmr, and im still not asleep.
6am gotta wake up already leh.
make up, bun my hair, prepare to go school & ready for stress. LOL

a target set for myself :

time to lose weight !!!!!
miss cellulites, you dont belong here. GO AWAY!!
its time to go gym again. time to work out those fats & sweats again.

im off to bed. tired~

08 November 2008

im off for facial with Janice soon. =)
and yesterday was my 5th month with MrSweetBF.
the day before yesterday, baby went with me to get my new phone. =)
and here i present my Samsung SGH-U900. loving it to the max currently.
was busy transferring stuffs into it yesterday & getting use to it too. LOL
the actual photo will be updated later when i got the time.

shopping, movies later after facial with Baby. =)
will be back to update more. =) lovelove.

05 November 2008


is keeping me company really so bored? so not entertaining?
i dont understand okie. im very upset, very fed up right now. =(
right at this minute. you are snoring away currently.
and just when i finished my script, not even a few minutes of talk,
and off you went to sleep. i told you.. you will sleep all the way.
forget it. i guess its like that. =(

04 November 2008

one more time, quarrels came between us.
but, i really done nothing wrong this time.
its hard to trust me eh?
the only thing i tried and gave in while still explaining is cause,
i still love you silly.

for what i know, my eyes are kinda swollen now.
thanks my pretty housefly eli for the long long comforting & being my listening ear.
once again, we missed the ses role play. wth.
thursday im gonna do a good one for you eli. =)
BDM test today. i didnt really read much.
nothing went in my head. was moodless the whole morning till evening.
i hope i pass. at least a pass i'll be happy too.
cus i know i didnt put in alot effort for today class test.


i was just telling baby that im turning 20 soon next year.
its like super fast you see. i wish i never grew up.
cus i can play more, and less troubles & worries to stress on. LOL

finally im tired. im off to bed soon.
waxing prac tmr. wish me luck. eli's BDM prac tmr, wish her luck too.
mine on friday.. wish me many lucks.
exams are finally here after so long.


28 October 2008

one project finally completed. =) left with some little printings only.
and we are done. another project is near to completion but need some editing.
after that, projects complete, means its exams period soon.
next week my turn for waxing practical test. wish me lucks. =)

and someone complain my blog very sian. cus no pictures.
but when there is alot of pictures, he complains i very zhi lian. ass !!

heres some pictures taken during & after WSS days.

exams & school has been driving me nuts recently. help me please someone.
thought of going on MC tomorrow. but, i dont know.
its not a good time to go on MC. but my head seems to be kinda spinning.
tmr morning then see how. hahaa. hopefully i go to school.
and i regret not going for supper with Leo & his gf.
cus im currently hungry. nevermind. tmr morning wake up eat cereal. hehe.
im off from blog. gone~

27 October 2008

catch The Coffin last night. definitely a crappy show.

although there are some parts where i got shocked. but still crappy.

dont go watch. waste money.

after movie, headed to Xin Wang HK cafe for dinner.

after dinner the both of us stroll down to Pasir Ris Park for a walk.

we had fun running out of dark places like crazy couple. right baby?

then, walked a distance off and sat down at the sands where we start talking.

a heart to heart talk. there's alot to say. which brings tears & heartaches.

but at least everything is said and had already understand the feelings for this past 4 months.

i guess we need more of this heart to heart talk.

like once every month. LOL.

and last but not least, baby i love you. and i'll always do.

anyway, some stupid pig place his ipod in the pocket & forgot to take it out.

off it goes in the washing machine for 2hours plus spinning with water in it.

hahaha. poor thing lah you baby. Oopps. i named him.

i buy you one k? since you so good to me, buy me new ipod & wanna buy me a new phone too.

love k? sayang you.

im off to watch shows. lalala~

25 October 2008

and im very stressed up i know.
projects is still coming its way in.
some people are still like that when they know datelines are coming near.
woke up and i ate 2 egg pratas today.
which reminds me of a friend. curry+sugar = yummy tastylicious
im quite addicted to it. LOL
waiting for baby to wake up from his sleep.
poor little thing. he has got duty later again at 12am again.
he just called me and complain. ahahahahahaha.
and that stupid guy snore so loudly he cant go back to sleep. LOL
will see him soon tmr morning. then, its going out to enjoy.
monday is a holiday. but doesnt mean im having mine too.
its still projects, projects and more projects..
time to relax my mind for awhile. LOL
online shop a little. and so many stuffs caught my eye.
im still thinking want to go look for a job anot.
attachments should be around the corner already lor. bored.
im going back to my online shop. lalalala~

23 October 2008

im so stressed up!!!
projects, scripts, datelines.

22 October 2008

pheww. am thinking whether to wake up at 6am or not tmr.
but think think, cannot. first lesson, BDM. zzz
im seriously tired lor. can die leh. =(
today stayed back in school do project with my group till 4pm plus like that.
den headed back to woodlands with eli. tired lor.
we head to samsung. look see at the phone i wanna buy.
decided to buy it. hahaa. the color not all that ugly after all. =)
im going to thank baby a millions. haha. but i got share $50voucher & $75 hor!!
baby you dont action hor. think you come out alot money.
i got my share & voucher one okie!! =p

den head to popular with that housefly/eli to buy printing paper for project.
decided to go macdonalds and do more of the project.
so it wont be so rush for us. the both of us are super funny ok.
we aim for the cushion seats. den change here and there. LOL
ppl will think we are crazy one lor. hahaaha. dinner settled at mac.
den start looking thru the project scripts. OMFG its so.. dont want say.
re-write again & start thinking with our creative minds.
alot craps came up. but, of cus got serious work typed down too. =)
till 10plus we finally finish the scripts. zz.
now the both of us seriously need a massage.
back pain, stomach menses cramps & shoulder aches.
all that laptop fault. so heavy sia. LOL

im going off to bed ler lah. cant take it anymore. nights nights.

21 October 2008

until finally, we settled everything.
wanting to start all over again. its abit hard. but i'll keep trying.
cus i know i want you here by my side.
let's put all the unhappiness behind us & lead a new chapter k?
at least i know, you're the reason that made eli saw me throw my phone on the floor.
because i wanted to solve the problem.
but end up, i keep saying the wrong words.
im not very good putting words tog to save myself from trouble most of the times.
thats why it made you lose temper with blood boiling up yr brains.
im sorry sweetheart baby. ♥♥

for you, i love you still.

20 October 2008

for this time, i know i did wrong. im sorry.
i cried hard. you saw it.
but you cried thrice, it tears me apart to see it.

for the doings, im sorry.
please stay will you? i know i want to.
till finally i realise these tears meant so much.
so much that i know, i dont wanna lose you anymore.
just you. stay will you?
i promise i never do it anymore.

the moment when i packed up, you're still sitting there,
and at that point of time,
that moment you asked me leave,
im totally shattered.
i lose control. you saw it too.
yet you smile & acted calmly like you think you should.
you're still clicking away, like nothing happened.
and when i pull the chair aside,
i know i wanna make you stay.
i hugged you tightly then i broke down into tears.
i cried so long. and i heard you crying too. that was the first time i hear you cry.
im sorry for the tears shed. i never wanted it this way.
i know its hard for you to trust again.
the chance that you given, i'll keep it safely.
never to lose it again.
now i have to start all over again.
and i promise, the outcome, it will be worth the wait.
dont treat me like a stranger. i need your shoulder.
you said you gonna company me to somewhere quiet.
i'll wait for the weekend.
till today morning, my tears are still shedding.
now my eyes swollen like goldfish.
my head hurts, and im running a slight fever.
yet i didnt tell you. afraid you will be worried.
but if you come in & read here, i know i will get a scolding from you.
for many words still left unsaid, please refer to our book k?

fat boy.. i want you, & need you here by my side.

15 October 2008

since days i last posted. firstly, too lazy.
secondly, too tired. lastly, i dont feel like blogging. LOL

its just a remark la.

anyway, its back to school days. projects piling up, revisions coming in.
worse is, exams all coming at one time. hai.
wish me luck then. im graduating soon after december exams.
then, will be my 3months of attachment.
i scared go out ppl will bully me lor. but i doubt lah.
im so cute right? will be loved. LOL. must look at the better side.
anyway, this week no lessons. but its $$ time.
working in school help preparing for the competition stuffs tmr till saturday.
im so tired lor. i can sleep the whole day i think. LOL

*for this part, it has been removed.*

time for me to go shower & off to bed. im dead shag. tatas.

11 October 2008

working in school was super fun.
today was quite alone. many people didnt come.
but times passes smoothly for me.
today became the model for the World Skills Girls for their Glamour Make Up Practice.
im gonna be the model for their finals too.
hope the lot that i choose can be her again.
she do me up prettily man. haha. i like it.
but baby dont appreciate it. he says im like being boxed. Zz.


i slept thru the whole evening till now then wake up. baby woked up earlier then me.
looks like im really dead tired. woked up real early this few days.
Monday is the end of my holidays also my starting day of school. SIAN~
im dying to look for a part time job lor. i need a job. i need $$. intro anyone?

back to last few days. after gym session, at night, i met up with lingling for dinner.
yes. its double times dinner. walked about at causeway point.
then head back home. while walking under my block, nearly reaching home..
saw this guy following behind me, which he suddenly stopped me.
he looks somewhat of messy & dirty & abit of 'gong' look.
the first thing he opened his mouth is, "can you talk to me? i need someone to talk to."
i was like, shocked. he keeps asking me to be his friend.
i say no. he keep insisting that i talk to him. he simply wont let me go back home. =(
even after i said that i am busy. need to rush back.
i walked one step, he follow one step. in order not to let him follow me home, i talked to him.
asking him to faster say what he want. then, he told me about his family problems.
wanting my help. which i dont think i can give any advice to him.
and here comes the exciting part.
he says he wanna change sex to a girl body. asking me is it able to?
i say yes its able to. but, will be exp for the surgery.
and he asked do i know why he wanna be a girl.
*the below stated content written is a little pervert*
he touched his cock, & say.. "because i dont want a guy's ku ku bird."
i was like, "HUH..!!??" and while still touching his cock, he repeated again.
he says " i wanna be like a girl, bottom flat flat one."
i was like, WTF !!
and he said while looking at my boobs,
" i wanna have big breasts like girls, like you like that."
i was thinking deep down, "OMFG you are one damn fucking smelly pervert asshole."
this time round, he comes near to me even still.
im already shivering all over & near to bursting into tears at that time. sobsob.
i told him to wait. i need to make a urgent call first.
and moved away abit, he still steps forward, and call for help.
and slowly i moved towards the basketball court, hanging the call & looking for help.
those malay guys playing soccer used to disturb me.
and while crying, i told them everything, asking one of them to company me to the lift.
as the guy they seen following me is harassing me not wanting to let me go home.
so 2 of the guys companied me, the rest go check that he is not following us.
crying & still shivering, they companied me back home. i did thanked them too.
was being consoled by my brother, shijie asking me not to cry after i relate the story to him.
shicai bro & amelia was laughing all the way. so bad of them.
that was one bad experience. =(
*thanks to all that consoled me. appreciate that alot. thankyou.

im going off. byebye.

08 October 2008

Gym sessions for today morning.
waking up early is tired. but exercising to lose fats is even great.
packed up all stuffs and set out. =)

went in, alot big muscles guys ar..
but im too shy to look at any of them. LOL
to put it easier, im the smallest person inside. Paiseh okay. Laugh~
the most that i done, is running for 20mins. tired leh.
got a blister on my left feet too. OUCH!! it hurts.
not to mention i sweat super alot too. LOL.

after that, went swimming next.
didnt really swim. but sit inside the water & relax talk talk too lor.
short day today. but dead tired lor. =P
should go to bed soon i guess. LOL. pictures will be up.

gym & swimming

bro weight gaining drink

which HP strap nicer? flower or Smiley? comment please.

pictures from yesterday on the way to hospital:

the dress from dressabelle. which ways of wearing nicer? do comment.

im off. byebye.

06 October 2008

for everything, thankyou.
and the last, you're the best.
i know.. and i always do.

there is a class chalet upcoming.
im going there later on.
enjoy all the fun i can later.
and enjoy to the max.
i hope many pictures will be on the way.
will be back to blog about what it is all happening there.

so do tune in later on.
by the way, instead of high street 5,
i switched back to audition.
its more user friendly & better.
so do tell me, if anyone's playing audition. love.

im back finally. =)
bad news is, dad got hospitalised yesterday.
i did visit him after my chalet.
poor thing daddy.
will be visiting him again later on too.
the chalet was fun.
let the pictures talk then..

there are even more pictures.
but not in my camera.
will try & get it from them. =)

07 October 2008
firstly, i wanna wish baby..

my dress from dressabelle has arrived.
its pretty of cus.
visited daddy today.
he had a blockage in the heart.
got a long chat with both my bros during lunch.
its a secret.
thats what i know.
met up with Bro friend.
psst* its a girl. haha.
spell A-M-E-L-I-A with me.
LOL. she is cute lah.
bought another pair of FBT shorts today.
visited ah ma too.
and den causeway point to help bro sign the GNC thing.
soon after,

im tired lah. will sleep soon.
tomorrow, its Gym sessions & Swimming sessions.
going with bro friends & that cute girl. haha.
i wanna buy the Gucci HP long Strap.
but currently, i will buy one plain long one for standby. =P

byebye. love.

04 October 2008

have been working in school for the past 2days.
doing housekeeping work. im the Laundry Girl..!! LOL
school working has been real fun. many jokes. many laughters too.
not to forget, im earning my own pocket money too. haha.
and when i have $$.., its time to hear it goes.. KA-CHING!! again. LOL

last night after work, caught a movie with Baby & his parents tgther. =)

Movie Of The Day:

the movie was not too bad. but its more of touching for me.
the love.. & the hate..

and then, today went baby ah ma house to celebrate her birthday.
and yes, there is card games. didnt wanna play at first.
but, baby say im not sporting enough. sadded.
because the tone & the attitude he gave was abit too over.
I DONT LIKE IT !!! =) and thanks to baby mum. she gave us $10 each to play.
hahahha. lovelove. he told me, his aunt they all seems to like me alot. LOL
baby.. yr aunt ask you to 不要花心!! LOL
won slightly little bit only lah. and den back to home sweet home.

im off to sleep soon lah. tired. created highstreet5 in baby's comp. =)
if anyone's playing, do tell me k? company me play too. hahahaa.
im gone.. nights. many many love.

01 October 2008

and i went touching up for tattoo yesterday.
the pain was unbearable. and i still thought touching up might not be so pain.
but still.. i bear all the way till the process ends.
i hope wont swell till like last time. LOL

anyway, was suppose to head to baby's place last night.
but raining heavily & im so tired.
so decided to arrive in the morning when he book out instead. =)
and yes, this morning i cabbed down to his place..
but i got some difficulties walking stairs since yesterday.
and so.. i slipped & fell while walking stairs to reach his place.
i lift my leg, wanted to carefully put down my tattooed feet,
and i slipped & fell all the way till the end. funny right?
but i hurt my butt & hand. and my back & left hand hurts now.
im still able to carry things. but, will tremble if carry too heavy stuffs. haha.
im totally like ah ma now lor. here pain there pain. LOL
hack care lah. plus i get my damn urine infection again.
the tablet doctor gave is still okay. but the drink that she gave.
OMG.. its so disgusting. i hope it all gets better fast. =)
i only know im walking like J.R lah.
i always laugh at him walking down the stairs with difficulty.
now my turn.. so lesson learnt, never laugh at others.. its bad for you. LOL

anyway. i decided to download games play since he's so addicted to dota.
trying High Street5 for a start. but if not nice,
den i download Audition again lor.
to kill time, i got no choice but to play back that stupid game. haha.
if not i will be forever sticking to online shopping.
i will go bankrupt soon one leh. LOL

sometimes.. i dont know why you want to do that for.
i felt so worse lah. very very worse.
with many loves, i do keep smiling.

28 September 2008

at times..
i know i don't feel the same.

at times..
i know i felt slightly lonely.

at times..
i know i am some sort of crazy.

but most of the times..
i know im yearning for you.

i don't feel good about anything.
words said, but no prove of it.
re-called everything & question myself.
but i found no answers to the questions i want.

but for everything done,
you will always be my baby.

27 September 2008

the moment i arrived at baby place,
his TOPMAN top i placed it on the table. =)
i hope he likes it. lovelove.
Jac will know how long i spend in TOPMAN just to choose an item for him. LOL
anyway.. when he came back, he bought Mac for our dinner.
then.. here goes.. the kiss he gave was long enough to pull my hand over,
to touch something hard, long & square-ish box. (where all of you thinking to huh..?)LOL
my surprise present of the day..

THE NEW RED IPOD !!!!!!!! he promised to buy me one. and he really did.
so here i am. show off my new ipod. hehe.
ohh yah. got my name, Jessica, carve on the back too. =) cool hor?
what am i gonna do with the old one, i dont know yet.
anyone wanna buy my old pink ipod? haha.

anyway, thanks a million to MrSweetBF. ♥♥ =)

have already made an appt to do a touch up for my tattoo on tuesday.
here comes the pain again. Jac Jac is going with me. hahaha.
thats it. im off to eat my Pasta Mania Delivery . =)